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Privacy Policy


This privacy policy covers the EBSI-VECTOR website ( It applies between the User of this website and IZERTIS, S.A. on behalf of EBSI-VECTOR consortium, the owner and provider of the above-mentioned website (hereafter referred to as Website). 

IZERTIS, S.A. takes privacy of your information very seriously and is committed to the protection of your personal data. This privacy policy applies to all personal data provided by you or collected by us in your interaction and use of the Website. It is based on the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. 

Please read this privacy policy carefully.  

Collection of Personal Data

The Website might collect the following personal data from Users: 

  • name, 
  • contact information (such as address, email address, and phone number) 
  • IP address, and 
  • type and version of web browser. 

The Website collects personal data in two ways: 

  • personal data provided by the User, and 
  • personal data collected about the User. 

The collection of this personal data will be done in accordance with this privacy policy.  

Use of Personal Data 

Any personal data collected will be used from time to time to provide the best possible service and experience for Users of the Website. Specifically, personal data might be used to: 

  • improve the Website, products, or services, or 
  • to send marketing emails that might be of interest to the User. 

The use of personal data will be done in accordance with this privacy policy.  


This privacy policy applies to the actions of the Website provider and the Users of this Website. It does not apply to websites accessed via links from this Website, including, but not limited to, links to social media websites.  

The Website provider is the “data controller” in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws. This means that the Website provider is the entity that determines the purposes for which and how the personal data of the User is being processed.  

Website Analytics 

The Website analytics is based on the open-source analytics platform Mamoto ( which is being used to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the EBSI-VECTOR Website.  

Users are free to refuse the use of the Mamoto analytics via the cookie banner that appears on the first page. If you choose to not accept this measurement, it will not affect your experience of navigating the Website.  

‘Do Not Track’ Settings 

Users can choose to enable the ‘do not track’ option in their internet browsers, which will let the User opt out of being tracked by websites. 

To enable the ‘do not track’ preference in the browser, follow the links below: 

If the preferred browser of the User is not mentioned in the list above, please visit the browser website for more information.  

Můžete se rozhodnout zabránit tomuto webu v agregaci a analýze akcí, které zde provedete. Tím ochráníte své soukromí, ale také zabrání majiteli, aby se poučil z vašich akcí a vytvořil lepší zážitek pro vás a ostatní uživatele.