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EBSI-VECTOR project starts

EBSI-VECTOR project starts on June 1st, 2023, co-funded by the European Union under the Digital Europe Programme, Grant Agreement number 101102512. It is composed of a consortium of more than 50 partners from 20 countries across Europe and will last 24 months. Our partnership is fully committed to deliver high-quality outputs, to create a sustainable […]


EU Blockchain Week 2023 – EBSI-VECTOR and EUBOF Conference

Within the efforts to build strong ecosystem for blockchain in Europe and having in mind that recent approved Digital Europe Programme projects (such as EBSI-VECTOR) foreseen building and strengthening of the ecosystem in sustainable, transparent and inclusive way, our partner Univerty of Ljubljana is organizing EU Blockchain Week 2023,together with EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum […]


European Big Data Value Forum – Conference

During 25th, 26th and 27th October 2023, European Big Data Value Forum will take place in Valencia (Spain). University of Ljubljana will attend the event on behalf of EBSI-VECTOR project and participate as Speaker in “Data Spaces for enabling AI solutions in AgriFood. The current situation, the opportunities and the forces” during 26th October 2023. […]


EBSI-VECTOR workshop in Rome

Rome , Italy

EBSI-VECTOR Workshop took place in Rome. During two days, project WP leaders and task leaders have met to face project challenges. This workshop was a great opportunity to meet in person, create synergies and establish the pathway to be followed coming months.

EBSI-VECTOR is one of the nominees for INATBA Awards 2024

EBSI-VECTOR project has been nominated for the INATBA Awards for “The Most Exciting Project” within “Public Sector Innovation” category. The Jury is voting and the winners will be announced during the INATBA Awards Ceremony in Autoworld, Brussels next 30th January 2024. Stay tuned if you would like to know if we are the winners. You […]